We have found that many injuries and cases of chronic back, shoulder, neck or wrist pain, stem from how the patient is positioned while at work. Learning about workplace ergonomics is essential. It helps our patients learn how to avoid injuries at work when using the tools and equipment of their trade.
One significant component of workplace ergonomics is that the workspace needs to be set up in a way that provides minimal, natural movement of the body. It helps patients have less neck and back pain, and can even reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. If you have been experiencing pain, visiting Dr. Brian Bezak can help, as chiropractic care is highly successful for workplace injuries.
We use different types of procedures and treatments for the help of workplace injuries. These include adjustments and manipulations, electric muscle stimulation, stretching for better range of motion, rehabilitation exercises, and massage therapy. Here at Bezak Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, we also provide advice and recommendations for better workplace ergonomics. If you are unsure of how to properly set up your workspace, contact us and we will provide the best course of action for prevention, as well as treatment for your current injuries.