Your lumbar vertebrae, or lower back vertebrae, are larger than any others in your spine and are responsible for supporting the weight of your upper body. While these vertebrae can withstand powerful forces form your lower back muscles during lifting, bending and twisting, it is common to experience lower back pain and injuries. At our office in Greenbelt, MD, the chiropractors have the experience and skills to provide you with effective chiropractic treatment for alleviating your back pain.
Lower back pain is commonly caused by muscle, nerve, ligament and spinal injuries, as well as by poor posture and degenerative diseases. Poor posture can cause accelerated wear and tear to your spine because undue stress can be placed on the lumbar vertebrae, while degenerative diseases, such as arthritis, can cause structures in the spine to break down and put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Nerve pressure in the lumbar spine can cause pain and symptoms to spread from the back to the buttocks, legs and feet because the nerves that exit the lumbar spine travel to these areas.
If you’re experiencing lower back pain, you do not have to resort to surgery or rely heavily on pain medication. At Bezak Chiropractic and Rehabilitation, many of our patients find relief from their pain through chiropractic treatments that include adjustments, intersegmental traction, trigger point therapy and other therapies, such as ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation and cryotherapy. These methods can alleviate tension, relieve pain and help restore proper movement.
Those experiencing lower back pain can turn to Dr. Brian Bezak, Dr. Shaun Bezak and Dr. Kelly Krol-Bezak. To schedule an appointment, call 301-220-0496. For more information , visit
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